The Most Trusted Trade Journals on Baby Products Market

Baby Care Magazines International is the association of respected trade magazines that significantly publish information on the baby care products and children clothing industry and market. The members are local market experts and international trend observers primarily in the European market which offer excellent marketing tools.


This constitution, published February 13, 2006, formalizes the status of the Baby Care Magazines International association, BCMI.


The name of the organization is the Baby Care Magazines International association, which throughout the rest of this document will be referred to as “The Association”.


Membership of the Association is open to magazines that significantly publish information on the baby care products and children clothing industry and market. The Association aims to ensure that its membership represents a leading baby care products and children clothing trade journal in each country. The majority of the members at the annual general meeting is allowed to extend the Association to the rest of the world.

In countries where there is only one magazine, the criterion for membership is that the magazine is not tied to any manufacturer, distributor or retailer. It may be however the official journal of a trade association. The magazine should be available to the retail and wholesale sectors of the trade and be published at least three times a year.

In countries where more than one magazine exists, the Association seeks to have in membership the most active, popular and respected journal. Membership of more than one journal per country is permitted only after full consideration has been given to objections raised and a vote of at least two thirds of all members has been cast in favour of the applicant, provided the existing national member agrees.

All new applications for membership are subject to approval by members in attendance at meetings of the Association as and when these take place. Wherever possible the Association also requires that its members should have ‘controlled circulation’ status.


The Association was originally formed in 2005 with the objective of achieving closer co-operation between leading baby care products and children clothing trade magazines throughout the world. This co-operation extends to:

  1. Exchanging information about the relevant market as developments occur.
  2. Members agreeing to recommend each other’s journals to potential advertisers, provided there is no conflict of interest.
  3. Members always being willing to co-operate with each other to foster the interest of the industry and of their publications where no conflicts of interest occur.
  4. The Association will aim to arrange at least one baby care products or children clothing company visit per year, which should be regarded as top priority by all members.

Officers of the Association

The Association officers are: president, two vice presidents and treasurer. These positions will have signatory privileges, being elected at the annual general meeting of the Association, which will normally take place at one of the leading baby care products trade fairs. These positions are presently for a three year term. An international bank account will be opened by the treasurer in his country. The officers are permitted to take up money, with a maximum of 1,000 Euro per transaction. If more than 1,000 Euro is needed, the signature of two authorized members is required. At all future BCMI-meetings, the treasurer will produce a financial summary for each member.

Entrance fees and annual subscriptions

There is an entrance fee that must be paid by all new magazines accepted into membership. Membership of the Association will not formally be recognized until the fee has been paid or, at the Association’s discretion, partial payment towards the fee has been made.

There is an Annual Subscription fee which should be paid within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Any magazine failing to pay their annual subscription may be deemed to have forfeited membership and could be forced to re-apply in which case they might have to pay the entrance fee as well as the annual subscription fee.

The entrance fee is currently 500 Euro, and the annual fee is 100 Euro. These figures can be varied only by majority resolution at a meeting to which all members of the Association have been invited.

Resignation, Expulsions and Winding Up

Any magazine resigning from membership will be entitled to receive back only the proportion of their annual subscription outstanding at the time of resignation.

Any magazine that is found to be working against the interest of the Association or its members or has manifestly shown that it has lost interest in the Association (by, for example, not paying its Annual Subscription) may be asked to terminate membership if no satisfactory explanation is given.

In the event of any decision by the Association to wind-up its operation, the funds remaining will be distributed equally amongst its existing members.

BCMI Agreement

  1. More than one member from the same country may join, if two thirds of the members, including the involved national member, agree. Questions proposed by the president for a (postal) vote must be answered within one month by post or e-mail.
  2. The members shall, at least once a year, inform their readers about BCMI, with the logos of BCMI magazines and all its adherents. All member journals will use the BCMI logo in their colophon, i.e. the space where all data about editor and publisher are printed.
  3. Members are entitled to publish extracts of articles from member journals. In case of reproducing entire articles, the authorization of the editor should be asked for and magazine and author must be mentioned.
  4. Members should between themselves exchange all their issues as soon as these are published, as well as tariffs and subscription fees.
  5. Each member should upon request, when holding a stand at a branch trade fair, be prepared to represent other members.
  6. It should be clear that the previous agreement must not interfere with arrangements of co-operation the members previously have agreed upon, apart from agreements with other periodical baby care products and children clothing journals.
  7. In case a member is already represented abroad by an agency or a collaborator, all requests for subscription or advertisements shall be passed to this representative.
  8. In case a member has problems in collecting money from an advertiser in another BCMI country, the national member should be prepared to assist if and when possible to put pressure on the debtor.

The above points agreed upon can be amended, if the members so decide by majority, at the annual general meeting or by e-mail or postal vote requested by the president.




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